About Us

Fermenting Workshop
House Week
Haddon Class

About The

Haddon CLC

The Haddon CLC (Community Learning Centre) is a not-for-profit community centre operating under the Neighbourhood Houses Victoria program.  We have been serving the Haddon community for many years and has a long history of providing quality activities and programs. 

We are managed for, and by, the community, through a Committee of Management, whose members reflect a cross section of people from the greater Haddon community and surrounding areas.

The term “Neighbourhood House” is a generic term for a variety of community owned and managed organisations – the common thread is that they are all not-for-profit organisations where available funds are combined with a strong community volunteer input to ensure maximum benefit to each diverse community.

The Neighbourhood House sector in Australia includes over a thousand organisations. Its continued success is assured as individuals and communities discover the potential to connect and bring together divergent parts of each community.

Our programs and activities are provided without discrimination to a wide range of people regardless of age, income, gender, race, socio-economic standing, religious or political beliefs, place of residence, or educational background.

Our friendly and safe Community Centre is here to help – all you need to do is reach out.



Book Keeper


Volunteer Office Assistant





Annual Report

Commitment to

Child Safety

The Haddon Community Learning Centre (HCLC) is committed to safety and wellbeing of all children and young people. This will be the primary focus of our care and decision making.

 We are committed to;

  • the safety, participation, and empowerment of all children.
  • supporting and respecting all children, as well as our staff, volunteers and community.
  • the cultural safety of Aboriginal children, the cultural safety of children from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds, and to providing a safe environment for children with a disability.
  • identifying child abuse risks early, and acting to prevent, remove or reduce these risks.
  • regular training and education for Committee members, staff and volunteers on child abuse risks, and child safety strategies.
  • robust human resources and recruitment practices to reduce the risk of child abuse by new and existing board members, staff and volunteers.
  • policies and procedures which support our board members, staff and volunteers to achieve these commitments.
  • continuously monitor and improve our Child Safe policies, procedures, and training.

Haddon Community Learning Centre has zero tolerance for child abuse and is committed to providing a child safe environment where children and young people are safe and feel safe and their voices are heard about decisions that affect their lives.

 Every person involved at HCLC has a responsibility to understand the important and specific role they play individually and collectively to ensure that the wellbeing and safety of all children and young people is at the forefront of all they do and every decision they make. We recognise our duty of care and responsibilities to children and always act in the best interests of children.

 Haddon Community Learning Centre encourages and welcomes all feedback from both parents and children regarding our commitment to child safety.